Students who have at least a 50%, and no more than SEVEN 0’s in a class, may apply for credit rescue. What this means, is that if you meet the above criteria, you will be given the opportunity to take a comprehensive test which will evaluate your knowledge of the material covered thus far in your class(es). If you pass the test, you will receive a “D” for the semester. This will help prevent you from repeating a class, or doing credit recovery. If you meet this criteria, PLEASE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO PASS. To apply for credit rescue, simply email any of the teachers of the classes where you meet the criteria. You have until January 15th to apply, so these two weeks could be an opportunity to put yourself in a position to meet the criteria if you currently do not. Please note, even if you meet the criteria now, but do not meet the criteria on January 15, you will not be eligible -- so keep working! Reach out to any of your teachers if you have any questions about how, or if you can do credit rescue.
January 4, 2021