Jackson County Virtual School  Frequently Asked Questions

Jackson County Virtual School

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:        Does Jackson County Schools offer Virtual School as an alternative to attending school on a daily basis?

A:        Jackson County Schools provides a Virtual School option for students enrolled in Jackson County Schools, in kindergarten through grade 12.

Q:        Is Virtual School the same as Remote Learning?

A:        No, the Virtual School is not the same as the remote learning provided by the school system last year due to the COVID-19 emergency. Virtual school classes are online courses provided outside the traditional Jackson County Schools program.

Q:        Is there a cost to parents for Virtual School classes?

A:        Virtual school classes are provided at no cost to students enrolled in Jackson County Schools. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing reliable internet service.

Q:        Does my child have to be enrolled in Jackson County Schools to participate in the Virtual School?

A:        Yes. In order to participate in the Virtual School, your child must be enrolled in Jackson County Schools and meet enrollment requirements, including health requirements such as but not limited to, required immunizations, health check, and dental exams.

Q:        When is the deadline to enroll in Virtual School?

A:        For planning purposes, it would be helpful to register by August 14; however, the final deadline is August 31, 2020 for the first semester. 

Q:       When does Virtual School start?

A:        Virtual school begins on September 8, 2020.


Q:        Do I have to have internet access in order to participate in the Virtual School?

A:        Students must have daily access to reliable internet service in order to participate in Virtual School.


Q:        Do I have to supply the device for my child to participate in Virtual School?

A:        Since your child will be enrolled in Jackson County Schools, if needed, he/she will be provided with a device for Virtual School if you are enrolled as a full-time student.  Students from kindergarten through eighth grade are supplied with an iPad. Students in grades 9-12 are supplied with a MacBook. Parents/guardians are financially responsible for the devices assigned to their child. 


Q:        How much time will my student be required to spend on virtual school?

A:        Students enrolled in Virtual School will be assigned a course load consistent with his/her grade level. There are no specific times for Virtual School.  The web-based school is open 24/7. Your child should expect to work daily for an average of 4-6 hours/day depending on grade level, course difficulty, and student ability. All assignments are available for the Semester on the first day of the class and you must complete all assignments by the end of each semester.


Q:        Why must I have an IEP or a 504 meeting prior to my enrollment being approved for virtual school?”

A:        The services included in either an IEP or 504 plan for an identified student with a disability are designed to meet his/her unique, individual needs. Any change to a student’s program or services, including a virtual “placement” option, must be considered by the IEP team to determine appropriate supports and services that will enable the student to make meaningful progress toward his or her IEP goals in the least restrictive environment.


Q:       Will my student’s IEP or 504 plan be implemented in Virtual School classes?

A:        The IEP or 504 team will develop goals and services to address the unique instructional needs for each virtual learner. Services will be delivered collaboratively with frequent progress monitoring by the WVDE virtual schools instructor, the Jackson County Schools virtual coordinator, and your child’s special education case manager.

Q:       Can my student work ahead in each class?

A:        Yes, students may work ahead.  It is always better to stay ahead and finish early than to get behind and not be able to finish by the end of the semester.

Q:        Will students who attend virtual school have any issues rejoining the class physically at any given time?

A:        WV Virtual Schools is a rigorous program designed specifically to support the learning of students in order for them to progress to the next grade level.  If your child completes the courses at a satisfactory level to pass, then he/she will be ready for the next grade upon returning to traditional school.


A:        When the virtual school course begins, a 14-day grace period (14 calendar days) begins to allow the parent/guardian to decide if virtual school is the correct option for your child.  Within this 14-day period, you may decide to re-enroll your child back into traditional school.  However, after the 14-day grace period ends, your child will remain in Virtual School until the end of the semester, at which time they may return to the traditional school setting.


Q:        Will virtual school students still be allowed to participate in sports and other extracurricular activities?

A:        Yes.  Any sport, activity or club offered at your child’s school is still open to them if he/she elects to participate in virtual school as at least a halftime student. Students must meet all requirements required for participation in extracurricular activities as traditional students. (Example(s): WVSSAC grade point average requirements, physical examination requirements, etc.)


Q:        Will my child receive a grade for Virtual School courses?

A:        Yes. Students will receive grades for Virtual School courses. The course grade will become a part of your child’s academic record with Jackson County Schools.  However, students may not receive a traditional report card during the grading terms due to the Virtual School being a self-paced model.


Q:       Do Virtual Students have to take the District Standardized Exams?

A:        Yes, they are required to take all District Standardized Exams.  Your local facilitator will keep you informed.

Q:        Is my child assigned a Virtual School teacher? 

A:        Yes, your child will be assigned a teacher through the WV Virtual School. This teacher will grade your child’s work and contact your child on a regular basis to provide support to keep your child progressing through the virtual school program. The teacher assigned to your child will not necessarily be a teacher from Jackson County. 


Q:        As a Virtual School student, is my child eligible to receive meals from school?

A:        Yes, as a Jackson County Schools student enrolled in Virtual School, your child is eligible to participate in the meal program provided by the school system. Additional information will be provided to you about the school meal program. 


Q:       Now that my child has enrolled in Virtual School classes, what are the next steps?

A:        Following enrollment you will be contacted, via phone and/or e-mail, regarding an upcoming orientation for virtual school students.


Q:        Where can I find out more about the Virtual School program offered by Jackson County Schools?

A:        You may visit the Jackson County Schools Website at boe.jack.k12.wv.us. to learn more about or enroll in our Virtual School program. The full Jackson County Schools Policy regarding Virtual School is available on the website. For additional assistance regarding the Virtual School program in Jackson County Schools, please call 304-372-7306.